How do you honor a fellow LWML member or a  friend with a bereavement gift?  Or, make a "Joy Gift"!  You are invited to a celebration and the invitation says "No gifts", but you want to do something special for the honoree!   Maybe it's a special birthday or anniversary or even a retirement party. 

Here is your solution!  You can make a donation to our SID District and choose whether you would like your contribution to go to our Mite Projects, the Student Assistance Fund, the Ordination Fund or the Seminary Student Scholarship Fund.  You can also specify how you would like the special occasion to be noted.  In recognition of your gift, the recipients name will be listed on the last page of the upcoming SID Newsletter under "Loving Gifts". 

You can also send in your monthly group/society mites here.
It's easy and secure, please click on the button below to make your donation.


We now are set up to accept payment by debit or credit cards. Or you may continue making payment using your bank account.

Make Donation

If you have any questions or concerns, please send them to

To send a note to the family or honoree to let them know you have made a contribution in their name, please click on the button below to print an Alleluia Card.   

Alleluia Card
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